ADA participation at the Second Annual AAA Ministerial Conference, 4-5 November 2019 in Benguerir

04 Nov.19

The Agency for Agricultural Development  participation at the Second Annual AAA Ministerial Conference, 4-5 November 2019 at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) in Benguerir.

This conference was chaired by Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, in the presence of about thirty African ministers. Under the theme "food security in the face of climate change", this conference identified several important recommendations and adopted a ministerial declaration.

 It was preceded on 4/11/2019 by two round tables, one scientist and the other of the donors. During this meeting, Mr. El Mahdi ARRIFI emphasized the role that the AAA (Adaptation of African Agriculture) initiative can play in the access of African countries to climate finance, as well as in capacity building in terms of adaptation and climate-smart projects, control of climate fund procedures including the GCF, fiduciary management of funds, financial engineering, etc.

The conference was marked by the presentation of the World Prize of the International Association of Soil Sciences to Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, in recognition of his efforts in adapting African agriculture and sustainable development.

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